Season: Mid April to 13th of August
Place: Martinselkonen Wilds Centre
Duration: about 15 hours
Persons: minimum 1 – max 25
The small bear photography hides are meant especially for people who want to concentrate on taking great bear pictures. To the photography hides we will leave at 16 and return is next morning after 7. We will leave from the Centre by car and drive about 10 minutes to the end of the road, after which is walk through the forest to the small photography hides (walking distance from 400m to 1km). The guide will lead you to the photography hide and leave you there alone. You can contact the guide with your mobile phone if at any time you need assistance at the hide. The guide will pick you up in the morning.

There are small photography hides in a forest, which is best location for the small bear cubs. The other location is in a swamp where you can see bears near and far. Its also the best place for eagles and cotton grass in the end of June. The third location is in a shore of a pond, which is excellent for reflection pictures, mist and bears swimming.
The season is started in April when there is still snow in the ground. In April we mainly use swamp hides, so that there is enough light for photography. The forest hides are opened when the light increases in May. The pond hide is opened when the ice at the pond melts, this is usually in June.
The small hide has spreadable bed for sleeping and sleeping bags, one seat and 6-photogrpahy holes. There is hides for 1 person and 2 persons.
Price: 250€/person when single person is in the hide and 214€/person when 2 persons sharing the same hide